Ping Pong or Table Tennis: Which is Right?

In 1901, John Jacques registered Ping Pong as a trade name in England, and American rights were sold to the Parker Brothers. 스포츠토토 On December 12, 1901, the Table Tennis Association was formed in England, and four days later the Table Tennis Association was also formed in England. The two associations later merged in 1903 to become the Table Tennis Association and the Table Tennis Association and later changed to the Table Tennis Association before expiring in 1904.

This seems to suggest that ping pong and table tennis names can be correctly interchanged at the origin of the sport. And while the Parker Brothers are obviously strong in defending their rights to the American brand name "Ping-Pong", it is understandable that when the game began to revive in the UK and Europe. 1920s Table tennis called ping-pong to avoid trademark disputes. It will also explain why the governing body is the International Tennis Federation (ITTF).

So for a long time, the history of petanque and table tennis was equally valid when referring to the sport. So much for the past - what about the present?

Ping-Pong with Table Tennis - Modern
In modern times, it seems our sport has split into two camps, where players tend to use ping pong and table tennis alternately and consider it a game or a past, and the main players who Call it table tennis almost entirely and consider it a sport.

(With the possible exception of China, where ping pong is obviously still popular for sports and the past).While most gamers do not care what the sport is called (they are too busy having fun!), Some major players are insulted in the so-called sport. That ping pong by associating phrases with playing basement. They believe that table tennis should be used exclusively because they feel it is appropriate for a sports image.

Personally, I used to be one of these players who did not like the phrase ping pong, but nowadays I really do not care if the general public or other players call ping pong or table tennis as long as they are Talk about it! Although I have to admit in my personal conversations, I always use table tennis because I have been using that name for so long, it just feels natural. And if anyone else calls it ping pong, I think that person is a beginner because I do not know that there are many good players here in Australia who use table tennis instead of table tennis.

So maybe we should call the main table tennis and the script jumping style game downstairs. While both phrases are technically correct, I would definitely recommend that new players who are coming to table tennis or playing in their first game still use tennis. On the table instead of betting.

That way you will always be right and you will not risk any player who does not like the sport called ping pong. Although I personally think the sport faces major challenges today, rather than whether people call it ping pong or table tennis.

As Shakespeare can say, if he was around today, the game by any other name would be sweet! Or maybe our motto should be Don't worry about how you say it, just play it!


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